Started with Ashtanga and Hatha Yoga in Quetzaltenango, Guatemala in the Yoga House in 2005. Continued practicing and teaching since then, with taking Yoga workshops all over the world (Anusara, Kundalini, Iyengar, Vinayasa and Inner Flow, Partner and Acroyoga, Kids – and Restorative Yoga).
Certified as an Ashtanga Yoga Teacher in Mysore, India, in 2009 during a three month intensive teacher training.
Additionally certified as a Rainbowkidsyoga teacher in Berlin, Germany, in 2012.
Loves to be creative, mixing up different styles of yoga,  focusing on pranayama and coordinating breath and movement, seeking alignment, using sound, aroma and techniques of thai massage. Believes that Yoga is for everyone… all ages,  all levels and that it is about connection, feeling, listening, being present and letting go. Deep, conscious breathing and stilling the mind. Positive energy and gratitude.

My favorite yoga styles are ASHTANGA, VINYASA, INNER FLOW and POWER YOGA;  all pretty dynamic, physical and fluent but also rewarding and relaxing.  Additionally I really much like the RESTORATIVE YOGA which means to engage with people with health/sport problems and discapacities or maybe elderly people – slow movements but growing stronger and more flexible, holding the pose, feeling the “Prana”, the vital energy life force, alive and flowing through the body enhanced by deep and conscious breathing.
Since I have arrived in Los Cabos (2011) surfing is my new passion and I believe that YOGA4SURFERS feels great, relaxing and enhances body alignment and conscious breathing. flexibility. stretching.
I am also a passionate SUPer (stand up paddle board) and have discovered the beauty of SUP YOGA

...here @ the private beach from “El Ganzo” en la playita, San Jose del Cabo, May 2014

The following is an article published in the magazine CaboHolistico Aug/Sept 2014.
Text and Photos by Stephanie Dumack.



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